Thursday, October 27, 2011

BGC7: Talk shit, Eat shit

"I'm a classy bitch!" really Tasha? Your ass is weak as fuck!!! Not only are you a Kardashian wannabe, but you're as classy as the olive garden is in Italy! You complain about every little thing and and think you're at a higher level than the other girls in the house. BITCH you're in the bad girls club house, all of you are boojie as fuck! Like I said on twitter, this ain't charmschool.....wrong show hoe! And Pirscilla was your blocker in the house, and you tag teamed on Judi twice bitch when it wasn't even your fight, that's weak!!! And then when you step to Stasi you scratch her face and then punch her in the face (which was weak as fuck) but worst than that you run away after like a cowardly lil bitch dog and still seem to fall down. Calling the cops too? Bitch bounce off trick, a bad girl does not call the cops, you're in the motha fuckin house you're gonna get into a fight, it's expected before ever stepping in the house and so therefore no cops should be called. A bad girl stands her ground by attacking a bitch back or by taking the beating, the weakest thing you can do in the house is call the cops!!! Hello Judi didn't call the cops on Pirscilla ass....or they were there, which is still confusing.....but she didn't bitch out and put the accusations towards her. Annie from bgc4 called the cops which was weak, idk why she was on the show, but at least she had an ounce more reason to call than you, because Kate punched her for no reason. You go ahead Tasha keep saying your a "classy" bitch, maybe it'll come true if you say it all the time, NOT!!! Fall down how before a bitch knocks you down!!!!
Keep Your day Boojie!!! (:

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