Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thicker Than Water: The Marino Family

Meet the new family soon to join bravo, hopefully! "We are a crazy, fun loving family", says Nicole Marino (second oldest). There are four siblings in the Marino family, Anthony is the oldest, then Nicole, Colette is the next, and the baby of the group is Vinny. The Marino family fight hard, but love harder. Anthony is what you say a "hot head" in all the best sense. He looks like he always gets angry but I think he just says things with a lot of passion. He is just trying to help out his siblings, I get it since I am the oldest of four in my family too. Nicole is a saucy spicy little thing who doesn't hold anything back, but it's not done in a "bitchy" kind of way. She says she is struggling with her weight. I know how that struggle goes Nicole it's hard but you'll get there. Colette, is a sexy luminous blonde with lots of spunk. She is a mother of six and has a bangin bod. Colette is the one that holds the family together, she's kind hearted and sting willed. And she and her husband Craig like to keep it spicy in the bedroom. Vinny being the youngest, has a lot to learn while struggling with his marriage. He loves his wife and son, but they are always butting heads and in insane measures too. Desiree his wife cuts up his clothes and yells like a crazy women, really I think just being in a big family it's hard to be heard and so she lashes out, not knowing how to deal with it. I am rooting for them, they seem in love, just confused on the right way to show it without getting into it. Overall the Marino family are funny, crazy, loving, and full of a big heart. They are not on bravo right now, but 2012 we are hoping to hear that they'll be part of the bravo family.
Thanks for taking a look on the Boojie side of it!!! (:

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