Monday, October 31, 2011

From Rags to Reality TV: Real Housewives of Atlanta: Before they were housewives

My first question need be is, where were Sheree and Phaedra? Bravo knows there are six total housewives of the Atlanta franchise. I was disappointed in that, but none the less I was staying tuned to see my other ATL women and their stories! The story that got me most interested in a good way was, Cynthia Bailey! I knew that she was a model, but it was nice to hear how she came about and her real meeting and eventually marriage to Peter. I loved when she said, "I was excited to make $500....not knowing that Tyra and Iman were making $5,000". And we knew she was a run a way bride too. The story that captured my interest the least and I was like not a hundred on it, was Kim Zolciaks! It was unbelievable to me, and I loved on watch what happens live, when Kandi had expressed that Kim got kicked out of a catholic private school for stealing an ice cream sandwich for her brother. And her story went into more detail into how she pursued men and their money. As the wise Nene once said, "close your legs to marry men". Nene story we knew for the most part, the only thing that I didn't know was her relationship with her mom, and how she tried to reconcile with her but she had then passed before that could really happen, that is sad. I was hollarin when I had heard her talk about being a stripper and she said, "I sold a fantasy, not pussy.". Nene gotta do to get that money, I'm not hatin! Kandi is one of my boo's, she keeps it real and spicy, because that's just who she is. And a lot of people been saying that they didn't know about her brother. But when she entered season 2, and they were doing the alter ego photo shoot, her alter ego was based upon her brothers accident. I'm not getting hyphy on it or nothin I'm just stating, that's what it is. Overall I thought it was a nice in sight on the ladies of the ATL, and shows a little more of who they are, good or bad. Just make sure to keep your dvr set for next Sunday, for the season premiere of season 4 #RHOA!!! They're bringing the Hotlanta heat back to bravo!
Thanks for tuning into the boojie side of the 411. (:
Take a look of our girls Nene & Kandi, & see a little of what they were up to before they were Real Housewives. 

Kim Kan't Hump Humphries Anymore!!!

Kim K and Kris Humphries divorcing after a 72 day marriage!!!! REALLY is it that BIG of a shock???.....Just like how I was shocked my tab is fading away, nah boo no surprise! Not sayin that the wedding wasn't FAB & I was in the HYPE watching it like a reality junkie cuz that what I do!!!! Hopefully we will see a little of what caused this in Kim & Kourtney Season2. I love Kim Kardashian and all her A$$ets, I think she is the creme' de la creme', all BLING and GLITS and GLAM!!! But watching how Kris was on the show, while it made good tv with the bickering, we as viewers didn't see between the lines or if we had we sure didn't say anything. The real question to be asked, is khloe right from the very beginning? On twitter bravo's Andy Cohen tweeted, "Do they have to return the gifts???" Real housewife of Beverly Hills cast member Brandi Glanville also tweeted saying, "I'm sorry but I'm so Happy KimK is dropping that tool! She can do waaaaaay better!" It's sad but at the same time, like I said we were all blinded by the fact that the wedding was going to be glam and celebrity packed!!! TMZ reports, "...she will not seek an annulment. It's a garden variety, in which Kim cites 'irreconcilable differences'." I wonder from now on what Halloween will mean to Kim? We hope and wish her the best, she's KimK, she's not going anywhere. And even best wishes to Kris Humphries, even though he has shown unbearable behavior, we don't wish him any ill will in any way, just if you are as real as you claim to be, maybe next time you'll get married for love for the person, not love in the person. Here is the official details on: Kim Kardashian Confirms Divorce In Statement To E! News
Thanks for keeping tuned in for the Boojie side of reality 411. (:

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Game Night? Game Figth?

The women of Beverly Hills usually show elegance and sophistication, right? Well not this time, the silk gloves came off and it was a knock out drag out fight, disrupting the 90210 area. Enter Brandi Glanville, the ex-wife of actor, Eddie Cibrian, remember the one who left her for Leann Rimes!!! Well Brandi form the very first entrance at Kyle Richards event, she started some cotroversy, being that she new real housewife Lisa Vanderpump's arch foe, Cedric. Then strike two for the ladies is when she allowed her son to be on the grass, at what was a social, family gathering at Addrienne Maloof's pool party, and the ladies. well Kyle thought it wasn't the oppropriet etiquette at a friends house, without any reprimanding. And the last and third strike for them, has to be the biggest of them all here, claiming that real housewife Kim Richards, former disney actress, and Kyle Richards older sister, was "wasted" and on "crystal meth". This all went down at real housewife Taylor Armstrong, who I must say, we are all deeply sorry for the loss of her late husband Russel and our prayers each day go out to Taylor and her family.......but like I said the ladies all gathered at Taylor's friend Dana Wilke, a new cast member to the real housewives of Beverly Hills. The ladies gathered at Dana's house for game night. What was to be fun and entertaining, to get away from the drama of their lives......or so they thought!!! Basically when Kim arrived she had gone into the restroom a number of times, and there for Brandi was suspicious as to why Kim was repeatidly doing while she was in there. Kim said she had been tired, she kept needing to do her make-up because she had no time to do it in the car or at home. The reason Brandi attacks the Richard sisters, is while playing the games, at game night, Kim says "I don't want her on my team", and while the ladies played, the sisters who were teamed up with Brandi, seemed to leave her out of the fun, which was not okay with Brandi. And then Kyle says, "Okay IQ test next. you first (pointing to Brandi)", which again sets a triger in Brandi. Then Brandi makes the accusations that Kim is "wasted", which sets Kyle off, which reminder Kim and Kyle are still on a rocky patch and healing from last seasons finale blow-up. So Kyle goes in on Brandi saying, how it was disrespectful to have her son pee on the grass without saying anything. Brandi has said that her one big and final triger is her kids, so when Kyle started mentioning that she should have done something about her son, Brandi goes off and make the "crystal meth" call out on Kim. That there sends the sisters flying off the handle and they both get up pointing fingers into Brandi's face. The crazy gets to much to bare and almost gets physical, but before that even happens Taylor steps in and stops the madness. Kim says the last, mean thing to Brandi, which is "You're a pig. You're a slut pig." The ladies call it a wrap and leave Dana's house, with only wounded egos, can they recover? They were both wrong in my opinion, in Brandi's defense, I get that bringing up your kids is always the wrong thing for someone to do. And in Kyle's defense, I know that even if you are not a hundred percent alright with your sibling, but if they are attacked, then it's on and you'll be right there to defend them, no matter what. And for Kim, who I adore no matter what people say about her, and what is true or not true. But for someone to make thos accusations about you, on a subject that is heavy for you and a struggle, and for that the person just met you, it's really hard. I do have to say, that I like that Brandi doesn't hold back and says what's on her mind, but I do believe there is a difference in telling it how it is and keeping it real, then just attacking and saying things about someone you don't even know that part of them on, it's rude and uncalled for.

Here is a video of the fight that went down that night, on my youtube channel "BoojieReality11", fiend me or subsrcribe, or take a look.

Thanks for taking a look on the boojie side of the 411. (:

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thicker Than Water: The Marino Family

Meet the new family soon to join bravo, hopefully! "We are a crazy, fun loving family", says Nicole Marino (second oldest). There are four siblings in the Marino family, Anthony is the oldest, then Nicole, Colette is the next, and the baby of the group is Vinny. The Marino family fight hard, but love harder. Anthony is what you say a "hot head" in all the best sense. He looks like he always gets angry but I think he just says things with a lot of passion. He is just trying to help out his siblings, I get it since I am the oldest of four in my family too. Nicole is a saucy spicy little thing who doesn't hold anything back, but it's not done in a "bitchy" kind of way. She says she is struggling with her weight. I know how that struggle goes Nicole it's hard but you'll get there. Colette, is a sexy luminous blonde with lots of spunk. She is a mother of six and has a bangin bod. Colette is the one that holds the family together, she's kind hearted and sting willed. And she and her husband Craig like to keep it spicy in the bedroom. Vinny being the youngest, has a lot to learn while struggling with his marriage. He loves his wife and son, but they are always butting heads and in insane measures too. Desiree his wife cuts up his clothes and yells like a crazy women, really I think just being in a big family it's hard to be heard and so she lashes out, not knowing how to deal with it. I am rooting for them, they seem in love, just confused on the right way to show it without getting into it. Overall the Marino family are funny, crazy, loving, and full of a big heart. They are not on bravo right now, but 2012 we are hoping to hear that they'll be part of the bravo family.
Thanks for taking a look on the Boojie side of it!!! (:

Friday, October 28, 2011

Glam Fairy: Glam or GlamO?!

"Google me bitch!" "I did google you, and do you know what google said? It said who the f*** is Glamo?!"

Former cast member of the hit show Jerseylicious, Alexa Prisco is back Glaming the style network channel with her staff of over the top "Glam Fairies". Prisco has settled off on her own, leaving Jerseylicious in the dark and shining her own squad aka the glam squad to bring their fierceness. The first episode covered, what else, glaming up a group of tired drab moms who have lost their flare for sexy. But the drama is stirred when Alexa brings a new member of to the team, Glamo! And commence the drama when her client liaison/friend Jon has had a past run-in with Glamo, a fashion stylist, however Jon says Glamo "is not a stylist, he's a diva"!!! And the two get into it when they come face to face at a club and words of altercation are exchanged!! Jon is just a little drama queen school girl and needs to stop worrying over Glamo, don't be mad that Alexa is clicking with Glamo and they are meshing well. You can't have your friends all to yourself. And Glamo you maybe one good stylist, but the diva attitude and Whitney Houston finger waving is not necessary. While it is good drama for tv, the way they were fighting it gets tire some in many ways. I hope these prissy bitches can get it together to expand glam fairy and not bring it crumbling down.
Thanks for hearing the Boojie side of the 411. (:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

BGC7: Talk shit, Eat shit

"I'm a classy bitch!" really Tasha? Your ass is weak as fuck!!! Not only are you a Kardashian wannabe, but you're as classy as the olive garden is in Italy! You complain about every little thing and and think you're at a higher level than the other girls in the house. BITCH you're in the bad girls club house, all of you are boojie as fuck! Like I said on twitter, this ain't charmschool.....wrong show hoe! And Pirscilla was your blocker in the house, and you tag teamed on Judi twice bitch when it wasn't even your fight, that's weak!!! And then when you step to Stasi you scratch her face and then punch her in the face (which was weak as fuck) but worst than that you run away after like a cowardly lil bitch dog and still seem to fall down. Calling the cops too? Bitch bounce off trick, a bad girl does not call the cops, you're in the motha fuckin house you're gonna get into a fight, it's expected before ever stepping in the house and so therefore no cops should be called. A bad girl stands her ground by attacking a bitch back or by taking the beating, the weakest thing you can do in the house is call the cops!!! Hello Judi didn't call the cops on Pirscilla ass....or they were there, which is still confusing.....but she didn't bitch out and put the accusations towards her. Annie from bgc4 called the cops which was weak, idk why she was on the show, but at least she had an ounce more reason to call than you, because Kate punched her for no reason. You go ahead Tasha keep saying your a "classy" bitch, maybe it'll come true if you say it all the time, NOT!!! Fall down how before a bitch knocks you down!!!!
Keep Your day Boojie!!! (: