Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bad Girls Club 7: Reunion Recap

"1 - 2 - 3 - get ready bitch it's B! G! C! ReeeeUuuuNiooooN Bitch!!!! #BGC7Reunion >_- #BlackOut", starting gates on twitter that's what I had to do.....I like all of you have been waiting for the reunion ALL day long! We knew it was going down this reunion, and I already knew that majority of the fights and drama were going to be saved for the second part. And yes the first part of the reunion only had one fight, it was still juicy and you know my guuurrrllls Judi n Tiara have me hollarin, so it's always worth the watch with them on. Perez Hilton celebrates hosting his 5th season of a total 7 of Bad Girls Club, and I posted on twitter saying, "@PerezHilton I thought after last season Tanisha was gonna take ur spot but I know ur a better stirrer of DRAMA which we love", which is true he has sides that he has taken, which just makes the hightened drama worth watching. Judi explains why she has her bag connected to her arm 24/7. She pulls out all her little goodies, but especially her vodka n her vibrator, hey she came prepared after a stressful reunion, she needs to unwind a bit, lol. And my girl T-Dolla shows that she has been practicing her dance moves, and shows she went from dancing like the white girl at the club to booty bouncin, or "pop that coochie", as @PerezHilton said on the show, which made my eyes bust open like WOW!!! But then I was hollarin, best believe. The reunion got a little emotional, when Judi expresses to Stasi, that she still loves her and she thanks her for standing by her when nobody else would and continuing to stand by her. It was sad and touching, but lets face it not my fav and let's get back to the drama!!!! Stasi changes it up, she has me hollarin cuz she said,  "I'm smarter than the average bear" . And so she tries to give Shelly the shot to get at her, for the *BOP* to the head in the finale. But Shelly said, "I'm gonna have you sit and wait", what the FUCK Shelly, what the hell kind of response is that? Let me tell you weak ass response bitch!!! If you wanna go at Stasi and hit her, bitch even though she is in your face, you should still stand up and show that bitch sit your ass down or imma show you what I'm talking about whoopin you. That's what a bad girl who is in charge would say!!!! And I knew that when you eventually threw that punch at Stasi, that you missed with your lame ass and you fell to the couch bitch, like are you serious. And I'm not a one hundred on whether it was editing, but when they showed that you went after her again, you still got compt bitch!!! So not only are you dumb, and weak, you don't know how to aim and you haven't learned your lesson after the first time. You got your as handed to you four times bitch, all I have to say is SIT YO ASS DOWN YOU TRIFFLIN BITCH!!!! The only reason you try to go twice at a bitch is, because you did nothing on the show and you want to validate yourself by trynna show everyone that you are "BAD", like I said, SIT DOWN & everyone knows you're weak as hell and can't fight. What happened to showing Stasi how a real person fights? Yeah, yeah, yeah, talk is cheap, or you should learn how to throw a good punch directly hoe! We take time with Tiara on Cheyenne, and how she was so messy, and my boo Tiara was throwin shit on the floor. But she corrected herslef, and she had me hollarin, when she said, "I get like Cheyenne ass now" lol. And before they brought out Tasha, Judi spoke up for Miss Voodoo, because she had a little something to say, which was, "Miss Voodoo says she's a bigger star than Tasha", hahaha that had me hollarin all over!!!! :D And when Tasha lame, whack, weak ass comes on stage and starts talking, Miss Voodoo stops her and gives her another message, "She said SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" don't get it twisted with Miss Voodoo. Tasha like Shelly, uses the reunion to try n make her ass seem like it was something and trynna validate her "bad girl status", shut up you dumb ass hoe!!! But Stasi is not going to let her speak, and Tasha tells Stasi to come at her, and it's like wamp wamp with Tasha! And it's funny to me, because if you try and make yourself bad, you should've been the one to go up to Stasi and get in her face to throw the punch. Tasha can try until gold comes out of her ass, it's not going to happen, she is a whack, trifflin, weak, ignorant, poor excuse of a bad girl and waste of space. I said to her on twitter, and frankly I could give a damn of whether she gives to shits about me or whatever, I'm just speaking nothing but truth and keepin it real to who I am and how I, along with a lot of you see it. Anyways, I had said, "bitch u weak ass fuckin bitch u trynna get into everyone else's fight! Let Pirscilla n Angie duke it 1on1! #NotClassy", "it's funny how sum say haters hatin @IranianRoyalty(Tasha) cuz she has package>bitchz NO cuz she fake/noclass/weak/cantfightw/obaqUp/personalitySux", & "N if Im @IranianRoyalty #1Hater than let it b! Im just keepin it real n yall know it cuz it wut I do! luv me hate me but u guNa respect Me!". You know how I do just keepin it nothin but one hundred with you the viewers, and the motha fuckin trifflin hoes, like Tasha ass!!! And finally, there is the sneak peak of part2 reunion, airing next monday!!! Can't wait!!!! :D
Thanks for tuning into the Boojie side of Reality 411. (:

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