Monday, November 7, 2011

Real Housewives of Atlanta Premiere Recap: Runways, Death, Sex, and Rotten Teeth?!

The cool winter breeze is finally starting to bring the chill, but the HOT drama is simmering on tv! Our ladies from the ATL are back and better than ever!!! They know how to bring it and not disappoint. 

Cynthia is showing her skills of being a model and is in the process of opening up her modeling agency. And she brings on the help of the ever most fabulous, Miss Jay, runway model extraordinare, and from the hit shows like America's Next Top Model. Why wouldn't Cynthia bring upon the best of the best to help teach and give some words of advice to the models.  

Kandi has always been about SEX, but she is taking things beyond the internet world and her "Kandi Koated Nights", the queen of music is giving us the insight on how she wants to start her own line of sex toys, that she is happy to be calling "Bedroom Kandi". She has Sheree and Phaedra meet her at the sex shop, and boy do they have themselves a ball of fun. Sheree is so shy and afraid to show her fun side, which nothing is wrong with that, but I never got that from her personality before. But you know Phaedra be having one helk of a ball, as she gets on this cushion to help make "doggy" style more fun and comfortable. She says, that she should talk Apalo into getting one. It's nice to see Phaedra to have that fun, naughty side. I had always liked Phaedra, even though everyone had been hating on her last year. She knows how to get down. And Kandi is just having fun branching out and making her business successful. And it has bee confirmed by Kandi, last week on the Wendy Williams show, that she will be having her own spin-off show called, "Kandi Factory", so looking forward to seeing that in the near future. 

Speaking of Phaedra, she is still in the law firm but also adding funeral hostess to her resume? That's right, miss Phaedra "high class parks" is going into business with funeral homes, and making them oh so fabulous. Her parents, she said are in the funeral business themselves, by being the spokes people for them, so why not just branch off into that same category. I wish you all the best Phaedra, but I do have to say this, what the hell was on your damn neck when they showed your one on one's? It looked like you had big birds sister on your neck, all I'm saying is bold fashion choice, but that's just you.

Kim is just busy being pregnant, and moving into a new house with Kroy and her girls. And as she continues to stay in her current residence, she is having fun hanging out with her daughters and eating baked zitti with jalepenos. She still has her assistant Sweetie, who she "slaves" around, I personally just don't like Sweetie, she just hits the wrong never with me when I see her on tv. I hope Kim, despite if she is not my favorite housewife, that she has a smooth time on the show being pregnant and that she stays out of drama. And we will be looking to see her show, coming soon to bravo, with Kroy and see her baby. 

It was nice to catch up with all the ladies, however the BIG talk of the night was Nene and Sheree's shouting match! Sheree claims that since she has been having success with her acting, which I had to laugh because it must just be in ATL, I haven't heard much of it. She says that she had invited Nene in on an event, and she played her with her money. This led to them meet up to discuss the issue, and I thought Sheree was really naive to say that she was hoping to have a "grown lady conversation", yeah right, I had said as I was thinking to myself! I loved how when Sheree told Lawrence about the meeting, how he could foresee the boojie that was going to commence. So as they met up, Nene claims that Sheree is being played, and Sheree claims that Nene is not wanting to hear the truth about the issue. Thus begins the two going at it like cats in a box. Sheree talks about how "black women are suppose to come together not tear each other down", and Nene had me hollarin when she was like, "Okay star Jones!" lol. Nene keeps saying that she's "very rich", and Sheree saying that if Nene's rich, she need to get those "rotten teeth fixed"!!! My mouth was on the floor, I could not believe how they were going at it. And I didn't know how to take it, and was on nobody's side. I know how Nene can come off, like a bully and loud so nobody else can get a say in, but Sheree I didn't believe her in all that commotion. I felt like she had her side figured out, and didn't want to hear out Nene at all, so it was one sided! But it did make good tv! (: And at the end Nene had Cynthia come over to her house to discuss it, and I know everyone was getting at Nene for her "crocodile tears", but I do feel that she was truly upset. And even though I think that Cynthia doesn't know the whole story, she was being what it means to be a "good friend" and console Nene when she's down. 

Thanks for tuning into the Boojie side of Reality & make sure to take a look at the video down below for a recap of the best moments! (:


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