Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bad Girls Club New Orleans: Final showdown Stasi Whoops Shelly's Ass

Hold the presses it went down last night ya'll!!!! Forget the Judi vs Pirscilla fight.....this be the fight we wanna see all season long. Stasi last episode had finally found out that Shelly messed with her contacts, and lets just say Stasi was way less than excited about that. She waits to the last official night of the BGC House to WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP Shelly weak whack ass. Shelly isn't all that innocent, because yeah Shelly doesn't come off as that bitch pop off tendencies, but overall she did mess with the contacts and she earlier in the season said, that she wasn't going to mention it because things were going so well. Bitch Shelly that's just weak talk bitch! And it made me laugh during the fight, Shelly kept saying. "let me hit her! let me hit her!" and all she did was yell and wave her hands, she didn't even throw a good "punch". Shelly is weaker than Judi to me, because Shelly can't own her beating and she is so naive. She deserved that ass beating from Stasi, although I do think that Stasi is not all so innocent, a bit whack ass herself in what she do, but much needed to let that bitch get whipped. WAY TO GO OUT WITH A BANG!!! And I have seen the preview for the BGC Reunion, and spoilers before were saying that Stasi got her ass hooked, but as I observe the clip, looks like even though Shelly throws first this time, that Stasi still has the upper hand and Shelly gets her ass handed to her again. Bitch is weak!!!! Hope you take a look at my video hope you like and like all my other vidz too!!!! and like my page on facebook: BoojieReality11

Thanks for tuning in to the Boojie side of Reality 411. (:

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