Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bad Girls Club: Who's got the weak sauce?!

Red alert! Red alert! These bitches need to get packin, because they weak as hell, I repeat weak as hell! Did these girls not get the memo when they signed up for, THE BAD GIRLS CLUB!!! Hello BAD not SAD, bitches must've had their beer goggles on when they signed up! These are my choices for the biggest weak bitches in BGC history; Annie(season 4), Kayleigh(season 5), Jade(season 6), and Tasha & Cheyenne(season 7).

Annie, was boring as hell and totally uninteresting, and what makes her weak is that she called the cops after Kate, her season 4 cast mate punched her in the face. Calling the cops while in the bad girls club house is the weakest, worst move possible. Annie lost her credibility with me for being boring already, but she was even more non existent when she called the cops.

Kayleigh, a replacement in bad girls club Miami, was ridiculous to befriend Kristen. Didn't she learn that there are no friends in the bad girls club. Kayleigh was weak because she left, while they were on vacation. And when she left she couldn't even go out in a bad way. She threw some hangers and knocked over some pictures but nothing else. And then she didn't grow any balls until the reunion, and attacked Kriten. But it was so dumb she acts all hard after the fact. Bitch please.

Jade, leaving the house in less than twenty-four hours, because you can't deal only one girl in the house, Nikki. And you called your mom, even she told you to stay in the house because she thought to were weak. You really just let one girl push you out the door, you could have given it a few more days. Plus you were a sloppy drunk and got into it with everyone. Peace!

Tasha & Cheyenne, New Orleans has never seen such disappointment since hurricane Katrina! Tasha was nothing but a loud mouth complaining, think she's better than everyone, no good, sayin she's "classy" bitch. And she gets into other peoples fights because she can't fight her own, and when she did hit Stasi, she ran the other way being a bitch ass. And Cheyenne was just the worst replacement, she was messy, trashy, trifflin, and came off as a little racist. I did like however, she thought that Tasha was annoying as hell too. But Cheyenne did nothing for the show just more space and opportunity. Tiara got your ass out bitch with no tussle and you didn't even fight to keep your place in the house. To even question why you were leaving never came up in your mind? That is just straight embarrassing, no spine and easy to walk on.

So that's what I think of all these weak ass bitches, they all disgraced the name of BGC and easy to move along to the next one! As Nikki Nation would say, "gigiddy gigiddy, weak sauce bro!"
Thanks for tuning into the Boojie side of Reality 411. (:

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