Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bad Girls Club 7: Reunion Recap

"1 - 2 - 3 - get ready bitch it's B! G! C! ReeeeUuuuNiooooN Bitch!!!! #BGC7Reunion >_- #BlackOut", starting gates on twitter that's what I had to do.....I like all of you have been waiting for the reunion ALL day long! We knew it was going down this reunion, and I already knew that majority of the fights and drama were going to be saved for the second part. And yes the first part of the reunion only had one fight, it was still juicy and you know my guuurrrllls Judi n Tiara have me hollarin, so it's always worth the watch with them on. Perez Hilton celebrates hosting his 5th season of a total 7 of Bad Girls Club, and I posted on twitter saying, "@PerezHilton I thought after last season Tanisha was gonna take ur spot but I know ur a better stirrer of DRAMA which we love", which is true he has sides that he has taken, which just makes the hightened drama worth watching. Judi explains why she has her bag connected to her arm 24/7. She pulls out all her little goodies, but especially her vodka n her vibrator, hey she came prepared after a stressful reunion, she needs to unwind a bit, lol. And my girl T-Dolla shows that she has been practicing her dance moves, and shows she went from dancing like the white girl at the club to booty bouncin, or "pop that coochie", as @PerezHilton said on the show, which made my eyes bust open like WOW!!! But then I was hollarin, best believe. The reunion got a little emotional, when Judi expresses to Stasi, that she still loves her and she thanks her for standing by her when nobody else would and continuing to stand by her. It was sad and touching, but lets face it not my fav and let's get back to the drama!!!! Stasi changes it up, she has me hollarin cuz she said,  "I'm smarter than the average bear" . And so she tries to give Shelly the shot to get at her, for the *BOP* to the head in the finale. But Shelly said, "I'm gonna have you sit and wait", what the FUCK Shelly, what the hell kind of response is that? Let me tell you weak ass response bitch!!! If you wanna go at Stasi and hit her, bitch even though she is in your face, you should still stand up and show that bitch sit your ass down or imma show you what I'm talking about whoopin you. That's what a bad girl who is in charge would say!!!! And I knew that when you eventually threw that punch at Stasi, that you missed with your lame ass and you fell to the couch bitch, like are you serious. And I'm not a one hundred on whether it was editing, but when they showed that you went after her again, you still got compt bitch!!! So not only are you dumb, and weak, you don't know how to aim and you haven't learned your lesson after the first time. You got your as handed to you four times bitch, all I have to say is SIT YO ASS DOWN YOU TRIFFLIN BITCH!!!! The only reason you try to go twice at a bitch is, because you did nothing on the show and you want to validate yourself by trynna show everyone that you are "BAD", like I said, SIT DOWN & everyone knows you're weak as hell and can't fight. What happened to showing Stasi how a real person fights? Yeah, yeah, yeah, talk is cheap, or you should learn how to throw a good punch directly hoe! We take time with Tiara on Cheyenne, and how she was so messy, and my boo Tiara was throwin shit on the floor. But she corrected herslef, and she had me hollarin, when she said, "I get like Cheyenne ass now" lol. And before they brought out Tasha, Judi spoke up for Miss Voodoo, because she had a little something to say, which was, "Miss Voodoo says she's a bigger star than Tasha", hahaha that had me hollarin all over!!!! :D And when Tasha lame, whack, weak ass comes on stage and starts talking, Miss Voodoo stops her and gives her another message, "She said SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" don't get it twisted with Miss Voodoo. Tasha like Shelly, uses the reunion to try n make her ass seem like it was something and trynna validate her "bad girl status", shut up you dumb ass hoe!!! But Stasi is not going to let her speak, and Tasha tells Stasi to come at her, and it's like wamp wamp with Tasha! And it's funny to me, because if you try and make yourself bad, you should've been the one to go up to Stasi and get in her face to throw the punch. Tasha can try until gold comes out of her ass, it's not going to happen, she is a whack, trifflin, weak, ignorant, poor excuse of a bad girl and waste of space. I said to her on twitter, and frankly I could give a damn of whether she gives to shits about me or whatever, I'm just speaking nothing but truth and keepin it real to who I am and how I, along with a lot of you see it. Anyways, I had said, "bitch u weak ass fuckin bitch u trynna get into everyone else's fight! Let Pirscilla n Angie duke it 1on1! #NotClassy", "it's funny how sum say haters hatin @IranianRoyalty(Tasha) cuz she has package>bitchz NO cuz she fake/noclass/weak/cantfightw/obaqUp/personalitySux", & "N if Im @IranianRoyalty #1Hater than let it b! Im just keepin it real n yall know it cuz it wut I do! luv me hate me but u guNa respect Me!". You know how I do just keepin it nothin but one hundred with you the viewers, and the motha fuckin trifflin hoes, like Tasha ass!!! And finally, there is the sneak peak of part2 reunion, airing next monday!!! Can't wait!!!! :D
Thanks for tuning into the Boojie side of Reality 411. (:

Monday, November 7, 2011

Real Housewives of Atlanta Premiere Recap: Runways, Death, Sex, and Rotten Teeth?!

The cool winter breeze is finally starting to bring the chill, but the HOT drama is simmering on tv! Our ladies from the ATL are back and better than ever!!! They know how to bring it and not disappoint. 

Cynthia is showing her skills of being a model and is in the process of opening up her modeling agency. And she brings on the help of the ever most fabulous, Miss Jay, runway model extraordinare, and from the hit shows like America's Next Top Model. Why wouldn't Cynthia bring upon the best of the best to help teach and give some words of advice to the models.  

Kandi has always been about SEX, but she is taking things beyond the internet world and her "Kandi Koated Nights", the queen of music is giving us the insight on how she wants to start her own line of sex toys, that she is happy to be calling "Bedroom Kandi". She has Sheree and Phaedra meet her at the sex shop, and boy do they have themselves a ball of fun. Sheree is so shy and afraid to show her fun side, which nothing is wrong with that, but I never got that from her personality before. But you know Phaedra be having one helk of a ball, as she gets on this cushion to help make "doggy" style more fun and comfortable. She says, that she should talk Apalo into getting one. It's nice to see Phaedra to have that fun, naughty side. I had always liked Phaedra, even though everyone had been hating on her last year. She knows how to get down. And Kandi is just having fun branching out and making her business successful. And it has bee confirmed by Kandi, last week on the Wendy Williams show, that she will be having her own spin-off show called, "Kandi Factory", so looking forward to seeing that in the near future. 

Speaking of Phaedra, she is still in the law firm but also adding funeral hostess to her resume? That's right, miss Phaedra "high class parks" is going into business with funeral homes, and making them oh so fabulous. Her parents, she said are in the funeral business themselves, by being the spokes people for them, so why not just branch off into that same category. I wish you all the best Phaedra, but I do have to say this, what the hell was on your damn neck when they showed your one on one's? It looked like you had big birds sister on your neck, all I'm saying is bold fashion choice, but that's just you.

Kim is just busy being pregnant, and moving into a new house with Kroy and her girls. And as she continues to stay in her current residence, she is having fun hanging out with her daughters and eating baked zitti with jalepenos. She still has her assistant Sweetie, who she "slaves" around, I personally just don't like Sweetie, she just hits the wrong never with me when I see her on tv. I hope Kim, despite if she is not my favorite housewife, that she has a smooth time on the show being pregnant and that she stays out of drama. And we will be looking to see her show, coming soon to bravo, with Kroy and see her baby. 

It was nice to catch up with all the ladies, however the BIG talk of the night was Nene and Sheree's shouting match! Sheree claims that since she has been having success with her acting, which I had to laugh because it must just be in ATL, I haven't heard much of it. She says that she had invited Nene in on an event, and she played her with her money. This led to them meet up to discuss the issue, and I thought Sheree was really naive to say that she was hoping to have a "grown lady conversation", yeah right, I had said as I was thinking to myself! I loved how when Sheree told Lawrence about the meeting, how he could foresee the boojie that was going to commence. So as they met up, Nene claims that Sheree is being played, and Sheree claims that Nene is not wanting to hear the truth about the issue. Thus begins the two going at it like cats in a box. Sheree talks about how "black women are suppose to come together not tear each other down", and Nene had me hollarin when she was like, "Okay star Jones!" lol. Nene keeps saying that she's "very rich", and Sheree saying that if Nene's rich, she need to get those "rotten teeth fixed"!!! My mouth was on the floor, I could not believe how they were going at it. And I didn't know how to take it, and was on nobody's side. I know how Nene can come off, like a bully and loud so nobody else can get a say in, but Sheree I didn't believe her in all that commotion. I felt like she had her side figured out, and didn't want to hear out Nene at all, so it was one sided! But it did make good tv! (: And at the end Nene had Cynthia come over to her house to discuss it, and I know everyone was getting at Nene for her "crocodile tears", but I do feel that she was truly upset. And even though I think that Cynthia doesn't know the whole story, she was being what it means to be a "good friend" and console Nene when she's down. 

Thanks for tuning into the Boojie side of Reality & make sure to take a look at the video down below for a recap of the best moments! (:


Glam Fairy Episode 4: Glam is a Drag!

Episode 4 of the Glam Fairy, was all about having the glits and the glam, and by far making it all OVER THE TOP!!! Let's start of with A2, she is a cute, silly, kooky, little girl who wants to GROW her fairy wings. She tries to show Alexa her talent, and bless her heart but it wasn't probably shown in the best form. Alexa didn't see her point of the make-up aspect of the photo's A2 presented. To add my thought on Alexa, I feel like she doesn't like anything cute and innocent. She gets sicken by the whole thing, which is such a turn off, which is why she turned down A2 down so fast. I think A2 is just misunderstood, because she's overly tan and comes off ditsy, but her passion is true and she has such a positive attitude, so I get that she wants to expand what little wings she has. So Alexa eventually decides to give A2 her very tiny "strawberry wings", and A2 is very happy that she is on her way. I only wish her the best and hope that she makes her dream come true as a Glam Fairy.

From A2's dilema, the work of the Glam Fairies were tested when it came to styling and making over a group of drag queens, who were friends of the ever so glamorous Glamo. Alexa was ready to take on the challenge, but had the notion that it would be like any regular client, boy was she wrong. The drag queens did not like the make up, it wasn't vamped up enough to their Glam standards. From the wigs to the make-up, to the wardrobe, the glam fairies were confused and uninformed on what pieces put a drag queen together. And when the drag queens didn't like their make-up done the first time, Alexa's feelings were hurt. She just felt like someone didn't appreciate her work, and I get that if something is your baby then it's hard to hear bad reviews, especially from all three clients instead of maybe 1 out of 3. I loved when she said the drag queens, are "like brides on crack" hahaha. So Alexa and her team regrouped and did a more glamified work on the drag queens and it was lovely. They all loved it. The most heartbreaking part of the show, was when Sharie had a revelation with the whole process, when she has had folks who were drag but couldn't be so open about it. So it was a very emotional and happy moment for Sharie, and she thanks the drag queens for being who they are and loving it.
Thanks for tuning to the Boojie side of Reality 411. (:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Whirl Wind Wendy: She's Letting loose on Draya

HOT TOPICS! That's what makes the Wendy Williams show a smashing hit. And this weeks "Hot Topic", is basketball wives LA co-star Draya, and her controversy on her show brought to the Wendy show. Draya was on Wendy to talk about the allegations of child abandonment, and the crazy of BBWLA!!! And the next day after Wendy addressed issues that had occurred on her twitter and facebook, stating that people were saying that she was too harsh on Draya. And Wendy went to say that she was just asking the questions, and that Draya like Kim K started their careers on their backs, but the difference is that Kim K has made something of it. *MEOW* I do feel like Wendy already didn't care for Draya, so she wasn't trying to be hating on her, but I do believe she subconsciously did try to attack her by making her look bad. Although I do agree with what she said, but I don't agree with how she said it. I think she spoke that way because she was mad that she was getting the hate from fans, and keep it real Wendy, I love you but come on you were mad that's why you said that. The one thing I don't like with Wendy, is that when she says something controversial about someone, she the backs it up with a compliment. I don't know for sure, but I feel like Draya knew she was going to get it from Wendy and she had her guard up, which is why she seemed so standoffish. I was hollarin when Draya told Wendy that there was a bug in her wig, and Wendy said  Do Not Touch My Wig!!!!! Lol Wendy would've bitten Draya's hand off. While it was nasty, it was a good time for the tv entertainment for us reality junkies. #SayItLikeYouMeanIt
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Hoop Swoosh: BBWLA Episode 10: Jackie Trippin

Grab a hold to your championship NBA rings, it's getting real nasty on the court side of things. Everyone was once against Laura, who myself, whether she is drama starting or whatever, I don't care for and have never liked and don't like. But anyways like I was saying, Laura was the enemy amongst the women in LA, causing drama. But once the women said aloha to Hawaii, the real colors were shown and the drama turned to Jackie. Jackie is all about keepin it real and saying your beef, right there on the table *BAM*, but it was all the small stuff and it was what people had said about Jackie, not what people have been saying about each other, supposedly said anyways. But when Imani and Laura finally had some time one on one, and decided to release all the tension from the so called "beef". But turns around that there has been all these rumors speculating, that each one of the ladies had said about the other, that turns out was all said by one person, JACKIE!!!! So all is in a whirl wind motion right now, and everyone feels played by their so called "friend". Jackie anyways was actin trippy on the way to Hawaii, and her truth just kept showin, all trifflin and insecure. It makes for some great tv, but in the realm of reality, it is not needed and crazy how friendships can change. But trust I have been there, friends come and go and I always say, that at the end of the day I have my only one best friend in my life, which is me and me alone. Both Jackie and Laura sit down, on the after show of basketball wives, they sit down with my boo Tami Roman to discuss the drama of episode 10. And I must say, because a lot of people were saying that Tami's hair was crazy, I however thought that it was FAB!!!! What I thought of the after show was boring, besides Tami, I rather just wait till the reunion. Neither of them really gave much up, plus Jackie was being all defensive, because she knows that she's acting crazy. We can only hope that later in the show, it all comes out with A MASSIVE BLOWUP!!!!! And I really want Malaysia to crack on a bitch again, fu real!!!! 
Thanks for tuning to the Boojie side of Reality 411. (:

Bad Girls Club: The Nobody Bitches Edition!

Wait these bitches have names and relevance to the show called, Bad Girls Club? Wtf?! That's how I see these trifflin bitches. I like to refer to them as, "the groupies", because yeah they were in the house, but it wasn't important enough to remember their names. Not saying they were the worst or most annoying, nor we're they the baddest bitches in their season, but they didn't start getting their names recognized until late in the BGC, or they found fame after, good, bad, or nasty.

Kendra, season 4 groupie, was a non factor to the show and I only new of her on the show, when her and Natalie got into it I San Bernardino. And then at the reunion, Perez Hilton announced that she was going to kick off the show Love Games, co-starring along side season 3 bad girl Amber A. and season 1 bad girl Sarah! Who side note: I didn't even know who Sarah was on BGC 1, but I didn't choose her in this category, because she was boring even after. But back to Kendra, she had me watching Love Games, kinda so did Cookie, but it was first season, iffy for me and not too into it. But she was an eye catcher for me when I did decide to tune in.

Erica, season 5 Miami groupie, was an eye grabbing, not for her looks or her sex appeal, but she was tatted and had that toughness look, or so I thought. And in the first episode she threw a drink in Kristen's face, which I thought was great, but Kristen didn't back down though. Erica was straight boring thru the rest of the season, all she and Danielle her boring sidekick did was stay at the house and sleep. She tried to prove herself when she tag teamed Christina, season 5 replacement bad girl, along with Leah and other bad girl replacement Ashley in the bad girl finale limo fight. Which is weak, to tag team on another girl. And she didn't stop there, she blind sided Kristen at the reunion, when the crazy was going on, because Leah was going after Kristen. Erica got her hair pulled by Catya for pulling such a bitch ass move. And then when Kristen said , Erica was trash and can't handle dr one on one without back up, Erica attacked again, and again she got schooled and her real hair got pulled out by Kristen. The reason Erica is getting fame now, because she lost weight, had less acne and fucked somebody on camera and leaked that shit herself! I'll be honest I saw the sex tape, props on that I will say, but however she has to now lay on her back to get it in, pun intended.

Sydney, season 6 groupie, tried to make a name for her on BGC when she tried standing up to Char, but quickly couldn't deal and left the house for good on like episode 4. She claimed, that there was family problems, but also I think she just couldn't deal with the girls and what not. On the reunion she had a score to settle with Char, and she did get Char but she was weak in getting her. That is true don't deny it! And now she is getting to be on the soon to be, love games season 3, along with co-stars Kori, also cast member on season 6 and season 7 bad girl Judi aka creole. And the clips show Sydney using her sex to get the guys, and she gets into it with both Judi and Kori, which Kori and Sydney brawl. Hope she stands up to what is being shown on the previews. Love games season 3, airs on December 5th on Oxygen!!!

Shelly, season 7 groupie, came into the New Orleans bad girls club house with the intention to be, "the boss" of the house, and it seemed like she be cool. It turns out that she was weak, a cry baby bitch who didn't know how to stand up for herself. She is naive and easy to walk on by others. She had arguments with Judi, but even though I LOVE Judi aka creole, she is not a serious threat worth fighting on. Shelly didn't start being known on the show, until she had enough of Stasi and her games, so she put bleach in Stasi's contacts. And since she got her ass beat on the final episode by Stasi, she declares on her final goodbyes, that at the reunion it's not over!!! And she shows Stasi that she's not playing, but she still gets her ass handed to her again by Stasi. I'm just saying tay Shelly has broken out of her shell and has decided to not be poked by anyone anymore. And I respect that part of her, but she is still weak and not my fav.

Like the burned ashes from a Phoenix, these bad girls aka "groupies", have risen high to become their known non factored selves.

Thanks for tuning into the Boojie side of Reality 411. (;

Bad Girls Club: Most Annoying Edition!

All I hear is mouth, all I ever hear us mouth from these loud ass bitches talkin their talk but never showin the results of there word. If all you do is talk, make sure you can stand your ground and throw hands when needed. Plus the sound of your voices get really old.

Kayla, bad girl season 3, KC in the motha fuckin Compton, all a bitch did was wamp wamp wamp! She was cool in my book, but she could never shut up and had to be loud and over barring. They say, just because you're the loudest doesn't mean you're always right. All she did with Boston was throw pots and scream. And she can't throw hands, because Amber A. aka Cookie choked her ass out at the gas station. And during the reunion all she did was staying loud, yet it was funny but still annoying over all.

Amber, season 4 bad girl, fool she was a waste of space and opportunity. And she was ignorant in what she spoke of. She got her ass tossed by Flo for speaking ignorantly of gays. And she got in Natalie's mess fight and she got knocked down too. And she attacked Kate for punching Annie, and she didn't do much damage, in fact she was the one who got hurt more but acted like she was cool, bitch step down. And during the reunion, she was prego so she kept her mouth shot, which was the best thing could've been asked for.

Leah, season 5 Miami, acted so hard and like she was a badass! She was a a not so good badass, she was just stupid. She always had to yell as well, when she had something to say and over power the other person. She acted like she ran the house, which the other girls made it easy for her to do, but she was so weak at it. Her first fight was with Kristen, and Kristen was drunk AF and sorry Kristen isn't the best fighter in my opinion. However, just to mention Kristen can hold her own and the blondie sounds more intellectual than Leah. And Leah at the reunion was mad because she realized at the end of the day, she got played by Kristen and acted so hard at the reunion, just for tv and there was security. Haven't you heard Leah, less is more! And when she was on Love Games season 2, she tried to emasculate the men, and when she couldn't she got what?....LOUD! She even tried to get hard at co-star Natalie Nunn, but she didn't do anything! And like I have said I don't like Natalie at all, but Leah was just a punk and a pond on love games! Leah as you have said before, "bitch please!"

Lauren, season 6 bad girl, was country bumpkin written all over her. She acted like she was so hard, the only person she messed with physically in the season was with Char, because Char wasn't going to fight back we all know that. Personally I just don't like her personality at all, it never meshed for me, she seemed like that girl that wasn't hood, but she was put in a position to act hood, which is lame.. She had Nikki on her side which was her backbone. Out of all the annoying bad girls, she eerrked me everytine I saw her on tv. As Char would say, "rotate, rotate".

Thanks for tuning into the Boojie side of Reality 411. (;